Radioactivity detection


Radioactivity Detection Gamma rays or neutrons emitted by radioactive substances strike the detectors and react with the detection means (such as the plastic scintillator, Nal (TI), or He-3, etc.). The energy produced is converted into Impulse electrical signals and signals are transmitted and recorded in the data acquisition and processing system.

For a simple alarm system, the system determines whether there are excess radioactive substances on the inspected objects according to the change in the number of pulses per unit time. For the radionuclide identification system, various electrical impulse signals are recorded on the multichannel analyzer and a ray energy spectroscopy is formed with the pulse amplitude as the horizontal axis and the number of impulses as the vertical axis.

As the energies of the rays emitted by different radionuclides vary, it is feasible to analyze the energy spectroscopy using the advanced radionuclide identification algorithm and distinguish the types of radionuclides that cause the alarm, in order to provide the client with more support for their decisions. NUCTECH offers a series of radioactive substance monitoring and nuclear radiation measurement systems, which help customers to control radiation sources, automatically monitor the level of radiation in the environment, and combat illegal transportation of nuclear material. .

At the same time, a foundation of advanced systems integration technology and the above-affected products, Integrated Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems, developed by NUCTECH, can provide customers with more comprehensive security inspection solutions.